It’s International Women’s Day, and as I sit at my desk and write today I hold in mind all of the strong, determined and creative women who have enabled me to be who I am; who have fought for the freedom I now have to pursue my own dreams and interests; and whose creations and achievements boost my resolve when I start to feel defeated and inspire me to keep reaching for new heights.
I’m indebted to each and every one of them.
I think today should also be a day for giving real thought to their achievements – particularly in the literary and art worlds. A day to reflect on what they mean to us (both men and women), how they have affected our lives, what messages we draw from them, and what we have previously failed to notice about them.
What does today mean for you?
Featured painting: The May Queen from the Ladies’ Luncheon Room Ingram Street Tea Rooms, 1900 par Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh