Having cleared a rather heavy workload and survived an attack of decidedly unfestive flu, I am finally able to post an update on the winter issue of Voyage, which has been out for several weeks now.
In this issue we visit the impressive Centro Botín art gallery in Santander, which has breathed new life into the city’s waterfront area. The elevated modernist building was designed by Renzo Piano (of Shard and Centre Pompidou fame), and is now a permanent home for contemporary collections, touring exhibitions and educational programmes.
We also explore the magnificent forests, picturesque villages, awe-inspiring vistas and fascinating history and folklore of the atmospheric Navarran Pyrenees.
And, of course, there’s plenty of local, seasonal food, drink and merry-making to warm the cockles – as well as Christmas shopping opportunities on board the ferries and at France and Spain’s winter markets.
Meilleurs vœux to all!